Being Fair
Ah, we are getting into the month of February...where romantic comedies abound thanks to Valentine's Day and where other films go to die. February, like January, has that terrible reputation of being a dumping ground for films studios don't have much faith in. It should come as no surprise then that, aside from a few annual exceptions, the films released here often get bad reviews. Notice that I didn't say that these films actually are some analysts and critics would have you believe...rather because it is well-known in the industry that these months are landfills, critics tend to be harsher and much less in the mood to watch these films (which is odd, since you'd think that films picked last for the softball team should be treated a little more gently...since we know they can't perform amongst their better-date brethren). There are notable exceptions (many of them put in limited release in December to be eligible for awards season, but wide released in...