A Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On...
In the early 90s, Universal had a slew of projects that were released to moderately good reviews but low box office success. Later, when the films hit video, they would make a killing in rentals and tape sales (that was what we watched before DVD and Bluray to you younguns...we even had Laserdiscs) because the films were quality crowd-pleasers, well made and unfortunately victims of bad advertising (explaining why no one showed up when they were in the theaters). This group of under-appreciated gems included such fan favorites as Sneakers and Heart and Souls , as well as 'the little monster movie that could'. It has spawned 3 sequels and several imitators, itself an imitation of the monster movies from the 1950s, and has given the film world several memorable leading characters. Lets examine where this franchise began and dig into Tremors . Perfection, Nevada is a small town in the middle of a desert valley and has a maximum population of 11 people. It...