What's Your Favorite Scary Movie?
Well, we've come once again to the end of another year and I've had a lot more time to reflect on things this week than in years past thanks to a combination of having no distractions and absolutely nothing to do. I'm starting to wonder where my friends have all gone. No one is around, because they all have better places to be and so here I am, spending the week leading up to New Year's with no one but my cats to keep me company. If there was ever a time I felt more like an old maid, I cannot remember it. I have enjoyed playing with my Christmas presents, particularly the new Zelda game. I am so close to beating that. I also got a new vacuum, which is amazing compared to my ratty old thing...my carpets haven't looked this nice in years. I'm not sure if I should be excited about cleaning my carpets though...I don't think its normal. Anyway, today as I was watching a film I'm quite happy to now own on Blu-ray, I got to thinking about late po...