Doc Hollywood...but with Cars
If I had to think of one piece of modern technology I couldn't live without, my mind tends to wander to my iPhone or my plasma TV first...mostly because they're newer and I use them a lot for my own enjoyment. But when I think of something absolutely essential in my life, I really have to say that my car is the most useful and necessary thing I own. I mean, think about it. I live in America, which is set up as a very sprawling, un-centrally-located, pedestrian unfriendly country (you can't just walk or bike anywhere and everywhere like in Europe) which means I need to drive to most of my daily destinations. I also have to drive to see any of my close friends...they're spread out all over...and I have to drive to reach places that are more exciting than where I live (like an amusement park...or a shopping mecca). So my car and I are fairly inseparable when you really think of it, and yet I take it for granted very easily. If it breaks or needs work, it...