Happy Halloween!!!
Well, another year another All Hallows Eve. I don't know what it is about October and this night, but it always...to paraphrase a much better writer, "thrills me, fills me with fantastic terrors never felt before." I don't know why, but I always get an adrenaline rush on Halloween Night and I think this burst is going to be just the thing I need to get me through to Friday. I think the weight of the world is slowly crushing me, but hey...that's life right? I may also have been revitalized by yesterday's unexpected snow day (yeah, a snow day before Halloween...thanks Sandy...too bad you had to destroy a good deal of the East coast to do it) and therefore have my fur up due to that. It's hard to say really, but either way it is Halloween and I am pumped up. I suppose its nice to have a return to my old excited self after a couple of weeks of feeling simply exhausted, and since I'm on the subjects of 'returns' I thought I might revisit the f...