New Year, Same You
So it’s 2019 and it’s time for everyone to make some New Year’s Resolutions. That usually means making promises to ourselves that we don’t intend to keep and falling back into old habits fairly quickly. “Oh, how original,” you must be saying, “Another opinion piece on how New Year’s Resolutions are bullshit.” Actually, despite my opening, I truly enjoy our tradition of making resolutions toward self improvement. New Year’s Resolutions give us a rare opportunity to actively about the things we like about ourselves that we would like to enhance and to change those things about ourselves that we don’t particularly enjoy. Sadly, I feel like we get too bogged down in the physical resolutions (i.e. lose weight) and we don’t examine ourselves further than that. Honestly, and I speak completely for myself, if I really liked myself and who I am all of the time, I probably wouldn’t focus so much on how much I weigh as though it were the number of my total self...