Gimme Some...Straight Talk, Straight Talk...
I just re-watched a movie that I haven't seen since I was a young tyke in the 90s and before I knew that some people were considered good actors and others were considered lousy. All I wanted from a movie was a star I liked and a good laugh...and maybe some music. Keep in mind though, that I was only 8 at the time and so my tastes were pretty much as you'd expect them to be. I think the most challenging thing I had seen at this point was Who Framed Roger Rabbit? so its no surprise that I loved Straight Talk with Dolly Parton. It was cute, had a pretty personality in it, and even had a fun soundtrack full of music Parton sang for the film. However, I'd only seen it once in the theater (and maybe on video, I honestly can't remember) so I couldn't judge my memory of it last night when I saw it available on Netflix instant watch. I didn't have anything better to do so I figured..."What the hell, I'll turn Dolly on." I mean, I still love 9 to 5...