They Took Him for A Fall Guy...But He Threw Them for a Hoop
Well I haven't been around much lately thanks to starting the school year. Its my second year of teaching and guess what? I feel a little bit more at home in the job. Last week I started with a practice writing test and this week I started last year's lecture on grammar with a few new surprises, and I think I'm actually getting some of the kids to understand. Also, this year's classes are basically good with only a few talkers with little to feed off of. I tell you, everyday is like a vacation compared to what I did last year. I'm really riding high. We're only a few days away from a holiday weekend, so my endorphins are doing great. Now lets talk about tonight's movie. Its a lesser known little gem from the Cohen Brothers, before they hit it big with Fargo and after they had success with Raising Arizona . This film hit middling audience appeal and mixed critical appeal upon its release and was an attempt at reaching mainstream au...