A Week In Review

Its hard to believe that a week ago today I was in New York City with my friend Tall John.  We were friends in college and he lives in Connecticut now, quite close to the city that never sleeps, so I went up and we took the commuter train into the city and played around on dem ol' city streets.  It was a lot of fun.  I got to see a lot of my favorite landmarks and go into some fun stores.  We ate brunch at Ellen's Stardust cafe, where the wait staff sings.  That sounds like it could get annoying, but it was a lot of fun really.  The highlight of the meal was when a waiter and a waitress sang Meatloaf's "Paradise By The Dashboard Light", it was pretty awesome.  I hope some of those guys actually make it on Broadway (they were all aspiring actors) because they certainly had talent.  Later in the day we caught a matinee performance of Promises, Promises, a revival of the stage musical based on the classic film comedy, The Apartment.  It was headlined by Sean Hayes (of "Will and Grace" fame) and Kristen Chenoweth (from "Pushing Daisies" and "Glee") and they were awesome.  Sean flubbed a line once, but he recovered gracefully and even gave a cute little bow.  We clapped.  After that we walked all the way up to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and about died in the attempt.  It was about 30 more blocks than I had originally thought.  Following that, I gave in and let Tall John take me to an Irish Pub for dinner...and it wasn't half bad.  We got back to Fairfield around 9:30 and were beat, but it was a very full day.  We're gonna do it again, hopefully soon.  I'd love to get a group of friends together and go.  Can you imagine what NYC would be like if Me, JP, Bond, and Clay came to paint the town red.  No one would get out alive.

The rest of the week I've spent on video games mostly.  I finished playing through The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for the first time early in the week, and it was an overall disappointing experience.  I'm a big Zelda fan, but this one was a touch too different and complicated.  I got so frustrated having to deal with only having 3 days (game time, not real time) to complete certain tasks (sometimes needing to do tasks that last all three days) and if you run out of time you have to turn back time and start all over again (sometimes having to do things you've already done over again as well).  It was a pain in the butt, but fun at some stretches.  I don't know if I'll ever play it again, but I feel better having had the experience.  I've spent this week playing through Zelda: Twilight Princess again.  I'm quite close to the end of the game, and I hope to finish it by Monday or Tuesday so that I can start on Zelda: The Wind Waker and finish that before I start back to school.  As long as I still have free time, I want to use it as I see fit.

Oh, and I've gotten a pet finally.  My friend Clay is moving soon, and he owned a pet ball python named Xander but didn't want to take him with him.  So I adopted the little guy and he now lives with me.  Its not quite the dog I was hoping to get, but it is something.  He's a real sweetie too, very tame and likes people.  He's also the most low maintenance pet one could probably have.  All he needs is a tank to live in, some heat, water, and food once a week (if not longer).  I really like him, and he seems to like me.  I just hope he gets used to me as his owner soon.  Oh, and how many people can say they have a cool pet like mine?  A lot probably, but no one else I know haha.  That's really all for this week.  I'll be back soon with more.


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