Them!!!! Them!!!!
I had a good start to the new semester today and its a good thing too, considering that I was up a good chunk of the night all stressed out about it. I get weird like that sometimes, where I cannot sleep because I'm worrying about nonsense. For example: last night I was tense due to starting a new theater class (after having not done one for a year) and due to nervousness about the upcoming shows and all the things I haven't yet done with the Thespian Club. It was like a dam broke in my psyche and all the junk rolling around flooded out. On the upside, I didn't have a single worry about Patrick...the guy I am seeing. I was a little surprised, because usually I worry like crazy. Things are very comfortable with him though, and I find myself feeling like he'll be around for a long time. I don't know if that will be the case, but its damn comforting right now. We're gonna spend another weekend together this coming weekend, so hopefully I'm st...