Just When You Thought He'd Never Come Back...

Yep, I purposefully have not written in several weeks because I simply have not had the head space for it what with the pressures of the musical, getting the end of the year things done in class, and various other small pressures.  I figured it would be easier and less stressful on me if I just ignored it and came back to it once the show was over...and here I am, right on schedule.  It was a very good show, for any of you who are interested, and was enjoyed by all (even though our crowds were smaller this year).  Now I'm in this weird mood that is probably something along the lines of 'completion depression'.  I literally have nothing but work to focus on until June 1st when school ends for the summer and that is taking a negative toll on me it seems...making me feel empty I suppose.  It doesn't help either that I was not selected as part of the cast for this year's Chillicothe Civic Theater production, though it doesn't surprise me either...since I have two full weeks of conflicts and the weekend before the show is my high school reunion.  As a director, I probably wouldn't have cast me either...but it does make you feel a little unwanted.  On the plus side, that means I can go to more of the summer movies at the Ohio theater.  I'm just really scared of getting bored I guess.

Today I've been rounding up scripts so I can send back all of our rental materials.  I'm also planning to take a personal day on Weds. to cart all the sets and costumes we borrowed back to where they came from...and then I plan to do some broadcasting training.  It should be a pretty good day, and ideally it will finish off the remains of my musical responsibilities.  Then it's just a matter of getting the last grades done, and the semester exams written.  It should be a fairly easy next few weeks, and I hope it passes quickly.  I need some time off because I am feeling so burnt out (I'm grading research papers now and they are annoying me more than usual).  I don't want to paint an inaccurate picture either...I am pleased with how the show turned out and I really did have a fantastic weekend (the shows were great, there was very little crowd drama, and I even had a date after it was all over that went amazingly too) plus there is a lot to look forward to (Disney on June 3rd, the cruise on June 15th, summer movies, cookouts, sleep, etc), I'm just fighting the post-show blues I think.  I'm sure my mood will improve as the week reaches it's end (when I travel down to visit Dad and the special someone that I spent my Sunday with) and as I check more and more stuff off my lists.  It's going to be a really good summer...once I figure out what I want to do with my glut of free time.


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