Rocking Weekend in Music City

Well, the weekend is coming to a close and I'm about to head into my last 4 days of work before summer.  All is well with the world and I am really loving the idea of those two and a half months, kicking it off with a wonderful weekend visiting my sister in Nashville, TN.  I drove down to Huntington, WV on Friday and rode with Mom the rest of the time to Gallatin (right outside of Nashville) where Miss J lives.  I haven't been to visit Miss J since she and Mr. J moved from Richmond, Va to Gallatin because they lived in a small apartment that wasn't exactly good for visitors.  But now they've rented a little condo and its big enough for all of us.  So onward we drove, getting lost only once thanks to Google directions, and we arrived at Miss J's home just after 10:30 pm central time (so my body thought it was 11:30).  Needless to say, Mom and I were pretty zonked.  We stayed up long enough to visit a bit and then we dropped off to bed.

Saturday was a day for Mom, me, and Miss J to visit and hangout so that Mr. J could have some alone time.  Miss J took us shopping, taking a short detour after a flying piece of plywood took off Miss J's drivers side mirror (I tell ya, it has been like everyone is trying to take out what ever car I'm in).  Miss J bought me some birthday clothes at Kohl's and gave me the Kohl's cash that came with it, which was very nice (and the outfits are really cute too).  Then we went over to a really cool and deserted movie theater to see Sex in the City 2 and enjoyed a highly frivolous laugh (though between you and me, the appeal of the series is starting to wear thin and if they make another one like they made this one, I may not be a fan anymore).  Following that, we went home and rested a while before going out into downtown Nashville, Miss J and Mr. J showing us the flood highlights and how high the water got here (thankfully, sis was unaffected).  I tell you, Music City is pretty awesome.  There were honky tonks as far as the eye could see, and plenty of great places I'd have loved to visit had I not been with my mother.  For example, there was a karaoke bar called Wanna B's and another bar called The Wild Beaver (oh, and there was a place in Printer's Alley, which is the red light district, that had nude karaoke...wrap your head around that one for a minute). It was a very fun night, and we ate at a restaurant called Rig River Grille and Brewery which was really good (I got some of their Sweet Magnolia Brown Ale and it was wonderful).  Following that, we took a drive around the city and the headed home.  A very good day for sure.

Sunday started with waffles and then we headed to a church that the kids have been going to over in Hendersonville which was pretty cool.  It was in an old style (but big) southern church and they had the most amazing choir (naturally).  It really made the experience enjoyable, and the lesson wasn't half bad either...but the thing I'll remember was the music.  Afterwards, we went to the Blue Moon BBQ to eat and it was fantastic.  It was almost a shame when all the great food was gone.  Following that, Mr. and Miss J drove us around looking at homes that they could both afford and not afford (we saw 4 million dollar houses that made us wish that one of us had won the lottery recently...cause that's the only way its ever gonna happen).  Then we came home and had dinner (a wonderful fried catfish and cheese garlic grits meal) and watched Up, because Mr. and Miss J hadn't seen it.  Miss J sobbed like a baby, it was amusing, but a good time was had by all.

Now its Monday, and I'm writing this as we prepare breakfast and pack up for our long drive home.  We've got 7 hours ahead of us before either mom or myself gets home (we'll part ways in Huntington).  I'm really looking forward to getting home and getting this work week started (cause its gonna go fast).  I really don't have a lot to do this week aside from grading, collecting books, and doing end of the year paperwork.  I have one regular school day tomorrow (that we suspect many kids will be skipping) and then three days of exams.  When I did exams in January, the week was so quick and easy.  I wager this one will be even better, because less students have to actually be there.  I only hope I don't get bored...though I doubt that.  I have plenty to do.  My biggest worry is that I won't get my grades in before the Report Card Lady leaves on Friday (because she doesn't have to work late) and I'll have to come in on Monday to finish up.  I hope not, but I will if I have to.  What's an extra half an hour anyway?   I'd much rather not have to go out on June 7th, because I've scheduled the delivery of my new HDTV that day...and I don't know when they're coming (if I miss them, I'm screwed).  Anyway, lots of stuff happening in the next week...and plenty of time for me to blog on movies.  So stay tuned friends, I'll be updating very very soon (if I survive the 7 hours home).


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