Tuesday's Gone With the Wind

Ever have one of those nights where anything seems possible so you set into motion some sort of challenge for yourself?  I had one of those last night.  For some reason, I got to thinking about the film Julie and Julia and I thought..."Whatever happened to my idea to make one of Julia's recipes?"  So I looked up the recipe for her Boeuf Bourguignon last night on the computer and, after wading through the 30+ list of instructions for it, I said to myself "I can do that." So I invited a friend to dinner Saturday night and I plan to serve him my first attempt at cooking the Julia way.  God I hope I don't crash and burn.  Well, if Julie Powell didn't crash and burn, I can do it too.  Thank god its a new month, I can put all the ingredients and paraphernalia on my Mastercard.

Also last night, while I was wading through the mire of complicated recipes a'la Julia, I decided to watch one of my 'movies I'm not supposed to like'.  I love movies like this, because they're like good old friends that you can always depend on to do exactly what you need them too...and no one else ever really calls them.  I suppose I didn't describe a friendship situation there so much as I described a good 'fuck buddy' situation...but who needs to split hairs?  The film was Hello Again, starring the irrepressible Shelley Long in all her cute glory.  I can understand why people don't like the film...it rides completely on ones ability to like and identify with the klutzy and sweet character Long plays and their willingness to believe that she could be brought back from the dead by her batty sister.  If you can't get behind these elements, the film just feels like so much sugary sweet celluloid candy that will rot your teeth if you let it in your mouth...thankfully, I have a tremendous sweet tooth and I love Shelley Long.  For those of you who don't know what its about, it features Long as Lucy Chadman, the klutzy housewife of a prominent plastic surgeon, who is unsatisfied with her life and feels out of place in it.  When she suddenly dies, a year goes by before her eccentric sister can find a magic spell to bring her back from the dead.  When she returns, she finds that her life has changed an awful lot.  It really is just cute, and unashamed of being cute.  There's nothing wrong with that is there?  The trailer is attached below:


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